
Standards Implementation & Support
Common Core Awareness and Background
Obtain overall awareness and take the first steps towards implementation by gaining a comprehensive look at the Common Core State Standards with an emphasis on future implications to curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Common Core English Language Arts Shifts and Analysis
Gain a detailed investigation into the major literacy shifts required for high quality instruction in the classroom utilizing an in-depth look at the content and rigor of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards.
Common Core Mathematics Shifts and Analysis
Gain a detailed investigation into the major mathematical content and practice shifts required for high quality instruction in the classroom utilizing an in-depth look at the content and rigor of the Common Core Mathematics Standards.
Common Core in the Content Areas
Secure detailed insights into how teachers of History, Science, Technical Subjects, Physical Education, Electives, and others can support the implementation of the Common Core in their respective classrooms.
Standards-Based Curriculum Mapping and Instructional Planning
Attain the key steps needed for long term and short term instructional planning by working with teachers and administers to clarify essential standards, create curriculum maps, complete scope and sequences, and identify instructional resources.
Understanding the Common Core Assessments
Intellectualize the major shift in assessments and gain a supportive look at the significant content and contextual changes teachers and students will face with the new Common Core assessments. Preparing for the assessments is much more than only practicing the new item types before the test. Teachers and students need to have multiple opportunities throughout the year to be exposed to the new testing context.
District and School Site Transition and Implementation of the Common Core
Acquire support from an outside expert to help align district/ site goals, instructional programs, classroom practices, professional development plans, etc. If you are in at the awareness, transition, or implementation phase of Common Core, effective implementation is not just about planning, it is about execution, accountability, and monitoring.
Common Core Lesson Planning
Grasp a new and more refined approach to daily lesson planning by gaining a deep understanding of what the standards are asking the students to learn and how to determine measurable outcomes. While the research-based work of Madeline Hunter is the consistent foundation for planning, the new standards require more creativity, modeling, structured interaction, and explicit understanding.
Text Complexity, Text Dependent Questioning, and Close Reading
Develop a deep understanding of the importance of text complexity and the role it plays in a balanced approach to literacy. Learn how to create evidence-based text dependent questions and use them while implementing Close Reading.
Applying the Standards for Mathematical Practice into Instruction
Gain instructional perspective of the CCSS in Mathematics by an in-depth deconstruction of the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs). Clarify each of the SMPs by discussing what they look like in the classroom and reflecting on strategies for implementation. Practice how to identify and discuss implementation of the SMPs by participating and observing CCSS math situations.
Listening and Speaking in the Common Core
Understand the necessity for incorporation of Speaking and Listening into every day classroom instruction by discussing, deconstructing, and analyzing the Speaking and Listening strand of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy.
Collaborative Coaching
Collaborative Coaching Institute
Support district and/or site coaches with a Coaching Institute centered around HOW we coach, WHO we coach, and WHAT we coach. HOW we coach focuses on the roles and responsibilities of being a coach, understanding the various and most effective coaching models, and understanding the essentials of being an efficient coach. WHO we coach focuses on understanding working with adult learners, addressing and promoting educational change, and learning how to manage challenging situations. WHAT we coach focuses on identifying district instructional expectations for all classrooms and the focal points for coaches working with teachers in the classroom.
Collaborative Coaching Implementation and Support
Propel your district/ site coaches in the right direction by structuring a plan for coaching outreach and implementation. Learn how to build relationships and trust while documenting and monitoring the effectiveness of the coaching model.
Collaborative Coaching Demonstration Lessons
See and believe the impact of powerful student-focused coaching. Observe and discuss expert coaches modeling planning meetings, demonstration lessons, collaborative teaching lessons, and debrief and feedback sessions.
Using Technology in Collaborative Coaching
Investigate the multiple and changing landscape of technology tools to support district and/or site coaches. Utilize technology to plan coaching, integrate into coaching opportunities, and to monitor coaching goals
English Language Development
Integrated English Language Development Institute
Gain insight into the newly adopted CA ELD Standards by discussing their purpose, structure, and instructional shifts. Understand how to scaffold learning in meaningful ways, enhance the use of academic vocabulary, and integrate collaborative learning into classroom instruction so that English Learners can gain language and content in tandem.
Scaffolding Learning in Meaningful Ways
Deepen understanding on strategies for scaffolding learning by discussing levels of rigor (Blooms Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge), breaking down the ELD proficiency levels, deconstructing the standards from an instructional perspective, and framing student interaction (sentence frames).
Background, Intent, and Structure of the CA ELD Standards
Understand why the new CA ELD standards were developed and how they address the related Common Core Standards. Discuss how they are structured to support all types of English Learners, and gain a working understanding of the proficiency levels and how to use them during instruction.
Strategic Use of Academic Language to Support ELD Instruction
Clarify the importance of academic vocabulary by enhancing the use of academic language on a daily basis by discussing the types of vocabulary (Tier 1, 2, and 3) and applying strategies to everyday classroom instruction.
Collaborative Learning for English Learner Achievement
Discuss and understand the explicit relationship between integrated ELD instruction and the inclusion of Collaborative Learning (Effective Group work). Clarify strategies for Collaborative Learning, identify the structure for effective student to student interaction and engagement, and determine the best way to integrate Collaborative Learning into classroom instruction.
Integrated ELD In-Class Support
Provide teachers with the needed support to implement ELD strategies into the classroom. Expert coaches meet with teams of teachers or individual teachers for collaborative planning, in-class demonstrations, or collaborative teaching opportunities to model integrated ELD instruction.
Effective and Efficient Instructional Strategies
Common Core Direct Instruction
Actualize a strategic, intensive approach to instructional design and delivery that has proven to be one of the most effective models for first, high-quality instruction. Teachers and students are aware of what they have to learn, how they will learn it, and what they will have to do to demonstrate their learning. Grounded in decades of research, Direct Instruction fits beautifully within the Common Core classroom and sets the stage for student growth.
Research-Based Common Core Reading Strategies and Literacy Engagement
Acquire a balanced approach to reading within the Common Core and understand the most effective reading comprehension strategies to leverage student learning. Teachers are supported by understanding how to incorporate strategies like Text Dependent Questioning, Close Reading, and Reciprocal Teaching into everyday instruction.
Research-Based Common Core Mathematics Strategies and Engagement
Assemble a research-based collection of strategies that yield high levels of student engagement in mathematics. Strategies like Number Talks, Problem Solving Process, Math Modeling, and Math Inquiry are incredible tools that fit within a teachers daily instructional routines and help students not only learn the algorithms of math, but help them gain superior conceptional understanding.
Cooperative Learning
Build a classroom culture where students have multiple and frequent opportunities to interact with each other. Understand the necessary systems, structures, and guidelines needed to build a classroom environment where collaboration and student engagement are everyday practice.
Research-Based Common Core Writing Strategies
Support teachers to incorporate writing into every day of instruction. Build on the foundation of the three aligned Common Core writing genres and establish a consistent contextual approach to the writing process that can be used across the curriculum and in every content area.
Leadership Structure and Support
Administrative Coaching
Secure targeted support for site principals and/or leadership teams to better understand the functions of a high a performing school and how to blend the qualities of an instructional leader and a personnel manager. Acquire support in data analysis, master scheduling, response to intervention, classroom walk-throughs, and professional learning communities.
Instructional Coach Support
Capture the knowledge and skills district/ site instructional coaches need to master research-based instructional strategies and gain insight into how to best work with other teachers in the district. Build internal capacity to support teachers in better implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
Developing, Implementing, and Monitoring Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Spotlight what the students are "learning" and not only what teachers are "teaching" by establishing a comprehensive program and model for small groups of teachers, administrators, and other educational stakeholders to come together on frequent and regular basis to reflect on curriculum, instruction, and assessment and improve overall instructional practices.
Response to Intervention and Instruction (RtI2)
Assist districts and schools to successfully implement and scale-up RtI2 and all of the essential components including, screening students, monitoring student progress, providing evidence-based interventions, and identifying students with differentiated needs including English learners, students with disabilities, and gifted and talented students.
Proactive Classroom Management
Develop a classroom environment where students are engaged in their learning and instruction is not bombarded by behavioral interruption. Teachers and administrators acquire the essential knowledge and skills on how to set up a classroom, create instructional norms and routines, and how to create an environment where learning is proactive and not reactive.
School-wide Monitoring and Support
Invest in making sure that new initiatives are successful by creating a structure of monitoring and accountability that ensures that valuable time and money put into new curriculum, classroom practices, or assessment measures will result in better classroom instruction and increased student growth.
Organizational Consulting
Targeted District Office Team Support
Leverage the personnel and skills needed to increase productivity in the district office. In an age of growing responsibilities and decreased funding and personnel support, many districts are turning to contracted individuals for the extra help they need. Support can be provided to develop trainings, lead committees, gather and analyze data, conduct surveys, etc.
Education and Technology Industry Consulting
Gain insight into the educational marketplace by attaining the advice and expertise of experienced site and district level leaders. Assistance is provided to technology partners and education industry businesses looking to delve deeper into district/site level assessments and accountability, curriculum sales and support, professional development planning, and technology implementation.